
Takeover Day! Pt1

Today is Takeover Day here at Bardsey and here in Year 6 we have kicked things off with Mr Brown giving us a fantastic science lesson! Mr Brown showed us convection currents by using jars of hot and cold water. In the picture above, a jar full of hot water is placed on top of a jar full of cold water. Because the hot water is lighter and less dense it is confined to the top jar. The more dense cold water stays in the bottom jar. You'd have thought that the two would mix, but no - pretty amazing right?! Next, Mr Brown switched the jars round with the cold water at the top and the hot water at the bottom. On this occasion, the less dense warm water rose to the top jar and the cold water sank. The red (hot) and blue (cold) water mixed together! Great work Alex, we all really enjoyed your lesson!

Time Team

Today, Year 6 carried out their very own archaeological dig in school. The children carefully dug into the ground and uncovered some (potentially) interesting remnants of the past! Could this be the foundations of an ancient wall we have discovered? The children also learned about the historical Neolithic village of Skara Brae. They studied what was found there and considered what these items tell us about the lives of the people who lived there. We love working outside in Year 6, and we especially enjoy using our very own roundhouse!

Back to the Stone Age!

This term, Year 6 have been looking at changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. In the first few weeks of term, this has seen us focus our topic and art work on what life was like for people in the Stone Age. This week, we had a go at making a scale model of Stonehenge. It made an unbelievable mess of the classroom but we all enjoyed it! (Except perhaps Mr Clayton!) Keep checking back to see more examples of our topic work this week.

Welcome to our Class Blog!

Hello all! Welcome to our Year 6 class blog.  This is the spot where you can keep up to date with what's going on in Year 6 at Bardsey Primary. Enjoy!